Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Pout-Pout Fish Activity

UDL Lesson Plan
  1. Author: Elizabeth Darden                    
  2. Topic: English Language Arts
  3. Grade Level: Kindergarten
  4. Common Core Standard(s):
    Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
    Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).
    Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly
  5. Lesson Objective:  Students will complete a sentence that includes the trait and mood that is being spread by the fish that they choose, and will then recite the chant in the correct order, (trait then mood) with a 90% accuracy.
  6. Lesson Materials: Smart board, Document camera, Worksheets, Pencil, Crayons, Clipart, The Pout-Pout Fish book, Copies of the book for students
Instructional Lesson Methods and Assessment

Anticipatory Set
·        Teacher will start by telling the students that our feelings can affect other people and that it is good to be aware of our emotions.
·        Teacher will ask the students a series of questions: When someone smiles at you, does it make you want to smile? How do you feel when someone frowns at you? How do you feel when someone makes a funny face?
·        Introduce the book, Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen.
·        Read the story aloud to the class and the teacher will be emphasizing her facial expressions to match with the way the fish acts throughout the story.
·        Play the YouTube video of the story on the blackboard.


·        Students will have transcript copies of the story to follow along with the video.
·        Teacher will start a discussion and will ask the students what happen in the story.
·        Summarize the story by explaining that the Pout Pout Fish was spreading dreary wearies all over the place, while other ocean animals were trying to cheer him up.
·        Teacher will say to the students that when they have a “pout pout face” they are spreading dreary wearies.
·        The discussion will continue about feelings, and how the way we act and feel can affect other people.  

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
 1.1      Customize the display of information
Teacher will seat the students who are hard of hearing near the speaker. The volume will be adjusted to an adequate level where it is not too loud or too quiet. 
 4.1      Vary the methods for response and navigation.
Students will be turning the pages of their copies of the story.
 7.3 Minimize threats and distractions
All students are expected to be engaged in whole group discussion.
2.1       Define vocabulary and symbols
 Teacher will define the word, “pout”. 
  3.1      Provide or activate background knowledge
Teacher will ask the students if they can recall a time where they smiled at their friend and their friend had a grumpy frown. If so, did it make them feel different?
3.2       Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships
The teacher will outline the main ideas of Pout Pout Fish.
 5.3    Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance.
Teacher will motivate and provide feedback to the student throughout the lesson.
 9.1      Guide personal goal-setting and expectations
Students will know in advance that they will be discuss the story after it is read. Students are expected to retain the information.

Introduce and Model New Knowledge 

·        Discuss the new vocabulary words and their meanings: tentacles, grimace, and locomotion.
·        Teacher will display a chart or list of types of feelings and what would be “spread” if those feelings were being experienced. Example: 
                                          Pout Pout      Dreary wearies
Mad Mad          Angry looks
Giggle Giggle   Lots of laughing
Happy Happy    Big smiles

·        Teacher will recite the chant, replacing “Pout Pout” like this: I’m a Silly Silly Fish with a Silly Silly face so I spread the silly willies all over the place.
·        The teacher will encourage the students to think of positive behavior traits, such as: Friendly Friendly Fish, Sharing Sharing Fish, Giving Giving Fish, etc.
·        Each table will have a variety of clip art pictures of fish. The pictures of fish will also be on the document camera                                       

·        With a partner, students will brainstorm ideas on what trait each fish has – friendly, pokey, angry, helpful, etc.  and then what they would “spread all over the place.”
·        Then they could chant the phrase from the book about the fish.

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
 2.1       Define vocabulary and symbols
 Teacher will define the words: “tentacles,” “grimace,” and “locomotion".
2.5      Illustrate through multiple media
Teacher will have a variety of fish with different faces that illustrate their moods.

6.2      Support planning and strategy development

Students will have several opportunities to think about instances where another persons’ mood affected their own mood.

8.4 Increase mastery-oriented feedback

As students brainstorm ideas, the teacher has a chance to provide feedback.


Guided Practice 

·         Begin the lesson by gathering the students in a reading circle on the floor.
·        Teacher will remind the students of what it takes to be a good listener: ears are listening, eyes on the speaker, hands are still, and feet are still. (Whole body listening)
·        Teacher initiate a discussion about feelings and will ask the students if someone else’s mood ever affected their own and what kinds of things would they say to cheer another person up.
·        This open discussion, will allow students to achieve a higher-level of thinking and will help them with the assignment by getting ideas from other students.
·        After the students share their thoughts, the teacher will redirect the students’ focus back on the chant from the book.
·        Teacher will guide the students through the independent practice worksheet, using the document camera.

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
 3.3      Guide information processing
Students will be sharing their times where they experienced an effect from someone else’s mood.
 6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress
Teacher will be asking questions to guide self-monitoring and reflection of the students’ thoughts about feelings.
 7.2      Enhance relevance, value, and authenticity
Students will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences.

Independent Practice 
·        Once the students are done practicing the chant, the teacher will hand out a worksheet to the students.

·        The students will choose what kind of fish they would be and create it by drawing a picture or cutting one of the fish out, from pile on their table.
·        Students will include features on the fish that exemplifies the fish’s mood.
·        Then, they will also think and write about what they would be spreading “all over the place.”  
·        Students will have fifteen minutes to complete the worksheet.

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.3       Guide information processing
 Teacher will guide students while they work on their worksheet.
 5.1 Use multiple media for communication
Students will be composing an illustration.
5.3      Provide ways to scaffold practice and performance
Teacher will demonstrate what her fish will look like and what traits it has to provide an example to the students.
 8.2 Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
Provide alternatives in the permissible tools. If the students prefer, they can cut out the clip art to use in place of their own drawing of the fish. The fish that they use will be glued in the space provided.
·        After the students complete their worksheet, they will be asked to share their fish to the class.
·        Students will then glue their work sheet to construction paper that will create a border.
·        As the students are gluing their borders on, the teacher will remind the students that it is best to spread good cheer whenever possible. The teacher will ask the students if they could think of a time where they made someone smile because they were smiling.
·        Later, the teacher will display them on a bulletin board.

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
 3.1      Provide or activate background knowledge
The teacher will assess   prior knowledge through observation during whole group instruction.
 4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation
Students may choose to stand at their desks when sharing their fish with the class or go to the front of the classroom.
 7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy
Students will be challenged to get up in front of the classroom and practice their speaking skills. This will help the students with their confidence.

  • The teacher will observe the students and check for understanding during the whole class activity.
  • The teacher will grade the Fish handout when they are completed. Teacher will use a rubric that will evaluate and check for the level of completion, if the words are spelled correctly, and if the words are in the correct order.
  • Later, the teacher will display the students' worksheets on a bulletin board.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
 3.1      Provide or activate background knowledge
The teacher will assess prior knowledge through observation during whole group instruction.
 6.4      Enhance capacity for monitoring progress
Once the students complete their fish handout, the teacher will collect them and grade them based on their completion and understanding.
 7.2      Enhance relevance, value, and authenticity
The teacher will grade the handout, which will later be displayed on the bulletin. This will make the children feel important and special.

UDL Assignment Rubric

Evaluation Areas
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations B
Does Not Meet
25-23 points
22 -20 points
19- less
Multiple Means of
Project incorporates at least 6
elements from this area of the
UDL framework 
(checklist filled out)
Project incorporates at least 4
elements from this area of the
UDL framework 
(checklist filled out)
Project incorporates  2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework
(checklist partially filled out)
Multiple Means of
Project incorporates at least 6 elements from this area of the
UDL framework 
(checklist filled out)
Project incorporates at least 4 elements from this area of the
UDL framework 
Project incorporates  2 or less elements from this area of the UDL framework
(checklist partially filled out)
Action and Expression
Multiple Means of
Project incorporates at least 6
elements from this area of the
UDL framework 
(checklist filled out)
Project incorporates at least 4
elements from this area of the
UDL framework 
(checklist filled out)   
Project incorporates  2 or less elements from this area
of the UDL framework
(checklist partially filled out)               
Multimedia Elements
Project contains a wide variety of graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
Project contains a few  graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
Project contains a variety of graphic design elements: embedded videos, pictures, hyperlinks, clip art, etc.
Overall editing is accurate and presentation is effective
(spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting,  font, text size, esthetics, etc)
Some basic editing and presentation mistakes  (spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting,  font, text size, esthetics, etc) 
Several editing and presentation  mistakes
Overall Total Points

Key Elements
Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated
Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
Set, Wrap-up
Independent practice
Set, Independent practice
Introduce and Model
New Knowledge
Guided practice, Assessment

Key Elements
Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated
Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
Introduce and Model
New Knowledge, Guided practice, Assessment
Independent Practice









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